It doesn't have a comma or conjunction between the two statements (Jonah could not sleep, he was exited about his new job)
The correct answer is sentence (5).
A sentence fragment means that it is only a part of a sentence; it is not complete. Given that it is incomplete, the fragment, aka subordinate/dependent sentence, has to be part of a larger, independent sentence, in order to make any sense. So if you combined sentence (5) with another one, it wouldn't be a fragment anymore.
Select the correct answer.
Read this sentence:
A disruption of the Federal Union, heretofore only menaced, is now formidably attempted.
What is meant by "a disruption of the Federal Union" in this sentence?
a joining of the northern states with the states that had seceded
an attempt by the southern states to form their own government
an interruption in the arguments between the North and the South
secession, or the breaking away of southern states from the Answer: