Ender's Game is a series of military science fiction books written by Orson Scott Card. The story shows the future time wherein mankind is endangered after conflicts with alien species. In the Ender's Game, the possible human rights issue involved here would be genocide. Genocide means the deliberate killing of a large group of people in a particular nation or group.
Some people are insecure, or downright untrustworthy of their surroundings. Usually, it's not your fault if they are fake towards you. They have usually adapted their fake selves on others that it becomes a normality.
Hope this helps!
interrogative statements are like questions and require responses
The theme of Theseus and the Minotaur is don't let happiness and celebration make you forget about thoughtfulness and good judgement. Theseus and the people who went to defeat the minotaur did not necessarily choose to keep their sail black instead of switching it to white.
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