active voice
think about "to be" in a sentce, would it be awake / excited tone or would it be calm / regular talking tone.
1. Palpable - adjective
2. Impeccably - adverb
3. Deduction - noun
4. Exonerate - verb
1. Palpable - is an intense feeling that is as good as being touched. It is an adjective because it is descriptive.
2. Impeccably- Because of the -ly suffix attached to the root word, impeccable, we can deduce that the word is an adverb that tells us how impeccable or without faults a certain thing is.
3. Deduction - This is a noun because it is the name of a process. Deduction is inference or subtraction as the case may be.
4. Exonerate - This is an act of absolving a person of a fault. A verb is an action word or a doing word.
I think that they will be easiely swayed by the beliefs of other because they have none of their own
The correct answer id B: the falling action