Honestly it depends on your taste whether they're good or not but some are:
Zanzibar-billy joel
zack and codeine-post malone
Wattage in speakers and amplifiers is about how much power a speaker can handle and how much power an amplifier is putting out. In the past, people would often combine a low-watt amplifier with high-watt speakers and call it a day. ... However, Dynamic Power could push 100 watts into 8 ohms and 150 watts into 4 ohms.
When did it open? in 1372
Or are you asking when did it start being constructed?
People take photos to mostly show what they think is beautiful. That’s why it’s apart of art! People gain tons of money for taking gorgeous photos and it’s basically a work of art too. They gain skills and methods and learn different angles/ways to improve their photography skills it might sound easy but when it comes to having to edit it, it takes skill.