Answer: Concept of the past, present and future
In addition to the existing incorporating seven dimensions of
sexual orientation into his model of sexual orientation, Klien had the concept of the events in the past, presently happening and what would occur in the future.
1492'de Amerika'nın keşfinden sonra İspanya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin şu anki güneybatısı, Meksika ve Karayipler'den Orta Amerika'ya, Güney Amerika'nın çoğuna ve Kuzey Amerika'nın kuzeybatı kıyılarına kadar Amerika'da geniş toprak parçalarını araştırdı ve kolonileştirdi. -gün Alaska ve Britanya Kolombiyası).
1. 1. c (I think you meant tractor) 2. A 3.b
Border box
The width property of border-box model that tells the browser to account for any content, border and padding space in the values specify for an element's width and height. For example If an element's width is 200 pixels, that 200 pixels will include any content, border or padding added and the content box will shrink to absorb the extra and any space taken up by the padding and border is subtracted from space given to the content.