Othello fits the description of a tragic hero.
A hero is a character who has the ability to accomplish great things. A tragic hero is no different, since he has this ability. However, the great deeds of a tragic hero result in suffering and the disgrace of him and those around him.
Othello is a perfect example of a tragic hero, since his actions lead to himself and the people he loves death. Othello causes misfortune by acting out of jealousy, arrogance, lack of critical sense, remorse and impulsiveness. This all causes very bad effects through great actions.
Character is defined as "the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual". This quote is suggesting that your true character is shown when you aren't around other people; when you're alone (hence "in the dark"; no one can see you wen you're alone).Oct 10, 2018
The Supreme Ordeal is a "black moment" for the audience, as we are held in suspense and tension, not knowing if he will live or die. This is a critical moment in any story, an Ordeal in which the hero must die or appear to die so that she can be born
<span>In he winter the Big Dipper is in an upright position on the handle.In addition this constellation is closer to the horizon during the winter season.The Big Dipper can be most clearly seen by looking north when looking up at the nighttime sky during fall and winter.</span>