I would say Both, in my opinion because I use grammar a lot and never put commas when addressing someone If it is or isn’t being directly addressing he she or they. You could do he she or they or He, She, or they. If that’s what you mean?
Answer: A detailed image with captions arrows pointing to a object or a chart.
Explanation: i need more details.
You are frozen as the clouds. Sweet as the high clouds. Rim of your brightness
1) c) are
2) b) is
3) a) am
4) c) are
5) c) are
Answer: "I am sorry that I won't be able to say everything I'd planned in my remaining time, but please let me conclude with . . ." Then state your most important idea and make your conclusion before time runs out.
Explanation: If you may be cut off by the moderator or the chairman, your audience will at least hear the conclusion you planned. If you are stopped ( and it DOES happen ) in mid-sentence or without making your most important point, the audience will see you as disorganized, or insensitive to the time limits, and may have an unfavorable impression of you-- and they will have missed the purpose of your speech.