Castigos y recompensas en el ejército romano Después de formar el campamento, los tribunos se reúnen y administran un juramento, hombre a hombre, a todos en el campamento, ya sean hombres libres o esclavos. Cada hombre jura no robar nada del campamento y aunque encuentre algo que lo lleve a las tribunas.
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Ku klux
Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist leader before the Civil War and a powerful foe of conciliation toward states that had seceded after the war, considered his field to be "in morals, not politics." He is best remembered for surviving an attack by Representative Preston Brooks in 1856 during which Brooks beat Sumner with a cane on the Senate floor. Brooks' attack was a sign of the increasing hostility between the North and South in the years leading up to the Civil War.
The most controversial provision of the patient protection and Affordable Care Act which is sometimes referred to by its detractors as Obamacare is mandatory health insurance coverage. This is controversial because it would mean that those people who do not wish to buy insurance may be subject to a fine.