Based on this sculpture alone, we can assume Romans would be influenced by Greek art and sculptures. We can observe they valued realism and presented their rulers in an authentic light. They put lots of thought into the art and wanted to master it into perfection.
If we would assume things about Roman art only based on this piece, we could, first of all, <u>see the art was influenced by Greek art</u>. We can also determine that Romans included sculpturing into the art. They likely presented their leaders and rulers with the free-standing bust statues. Thes statues would be made of marble, judging by this one.
They wanted to present people <u>realistically </u>with their art. We can see that on this piece (bust of Julius Caesar) who is presented as a realistic middle-aged man –<u> we see wrinkles on his face, around the mouth, on the forehead, as well as on his neck</u>. They would <u>put many details</u> into the sculpture, which we can see in the way these wrinkles are portrayed, and in the small curves on the ears and nose. <u>Romans valued authenticity and naturalness</u>, but at the same time, they would portray people as being<u> serious and determined</u>, like this bust was. <u>Therefore, we can conclude the Romans took art seriously and mastered it to perfection</u>.
The best way to write a not card explaing the imporance of exercise is to first give the name of the sport that you are explaining then, you should start out by say this sport is fun because then, list the reasons that the sport is fun. After that, you should explaine why the sport is a good exercise for you. After you have done all of that, you should do an ending scentence restaitng all that you have said.