Answer The Free Speech Movement (FSM) was a college campus phenomenon inspired first by the struggle for civil rights and later fueled by opposition to the Vietnam War. The Free Speech Movement began in 1964, when students at the University of California, Berkeley protested a ban on on-campus political activities
Freedom and equality.
The Congress during the 1990's enacted "The Civil Rights Act" on July 2, 1964 which prohibited private bisinesses unequal application of discrimination and racial segregation in employment, public services, and public accomodations, on the bases of physical and mental disabilities, which clashes between the freedom and equality of the citizens.
The Act further prohibits unequal application of Voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accomodations and also on bases of mental and physical disabilities.
This discriminatory act by private businesses construed upon the freedom and equality of the citizens to be given free and fair chances in business to gain employment, to benefit from public services, and public accommodations, and the Congress feels that its duty is to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the law and protect their voting rights irrespective of any disabilities they might have.
Hi! The cultural aspects of the ciry-state impact the from of government because the greeks were in some ways independently -minded and developed a culture of individual freedom where it was considered by many a disgrace to work for someone else. This independence led the lower classes to want to participate in government, and promoted democracy - not today's representative democracy where a member of parliament is supposed to represent the citizens within an electorate, but rather direct democracy, where all the citizens met in assembly each fortnight and made decisions directly on matters put to them by a council, which latter saw to the implementation of their decisions. So I hope that help :)