The Articles of Confederation reflected the principle of a limited government because, in it made the federal government dependent on the will of the states. The Articles of Confederation were created by a weak central government and gave the power to the states to engage in whichever parts of interstate activities it chose to. The Constitution was largely framed in response to the weakness of the central government as a result of the Articles of Confederation.
1. A all have been men
2. B directly for the best candidate
James Monroe
James Monroe is considered as one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. He was the United States President between 1817 to 1825. He was preceded by James Madison and succeed by John Quincy Adams. He was the fifth President of the United States of America. He was a member of the Democratic-Republican Party.
His administration was famous for the Monroe Doctrine and Era of Good Feelings.
Answer: The three propositions that Feldsman says many people have come to know about Unites States politics are:
1. We are geographically localised in United States Politics
2. Unites States favoritism towards political parties (partisanship) are at their worst.
3. It is for a fact that there is nothing we can do about it.
Feldsmans says the last proposition is wrong .
The incredible mechanism that Feldsman says would help us deal with this things is the Constitution. The Constitution of the United States of America has be designed, formed and written in such a way that it can help us to achieve calmness thereby enabling us to manage disagreement among groups of people as well as helping us to deal with partisanship which is favoritism towards a particular political party.
The United States Constitution is the reason why something can be done about first two propositions.