Analizați cuvintele:elevii din clasa a cincea au învățat o poezie despre frumusețile patriei. Apoi au plecat in tabără sa se odi
hneasca .La Brașov au vizitat expoziții de pictura,au urcat muntele înalt,au admirat peisajul montan.După 10 zile s-au întors acasă si au povestit despre locurile vizitate si despre programul lor zilnic.
<span>Analyze the words: Fifth grade students have learned a poem about the homeland's beauties. Then they went to the camp to rest. In Brasov they visited painting exhibitions, climbed the high mountain, admired the mountain scenery. After 10 days they returned home and told about the places visited and about their daily schedule.</span>
<em>This course is the first in a two-course sequence and is designed for students who have at least 1-2 years of prior experience in learning Chinese.</em>