The city of Cartagena, in Spanish as Cartagena de Indias is located on the northern coast of Colombia in the Caribbean Coast Region and it is the capital of the Bolívar Department.
You use preterite to describe an action that took place and was fully done, Ex. José entro a la habitación, you can see John went into the room, he completed the action. On the other hand, imperfect tense doesn't specificate if the action was completed, Ex. José entraba a la habitación, it doesn't tell us if José fully entered the room.
Check for asentós and how the word is pronounced
Three sentences using (ellos/as):
Ellos no suelen lavar los plato's
Ellas son personas un poco obesas
Ellos son estudiantes de ingeniera
Three sentences using (ellos/as)
¡Ustedes son las personas más estúpidas que he visto!
¿Ustedes son primos?
¿Como ustedes tienen tanto tiempo?
You say shampoo like champu in spanish