The intertidal zone lies above the continental shelf
of the following given choices;</span>
<span>A. </span><span>symbiote. C. capacity limiter</span>
</span><span>producer. D. limiting factor
The answer is D. Limiting factors limit the ideal growth rate
of a population. Examples of these limiting factors include space (low space)
and food (scarce food). These limiting factors would limit the population growth
rate either by causing emigration, increases birth rate, and decrease birth
The vaccine was made in the past year, and the flu virus has mutated and grown resistant to this year's flu vaccine
<span>Gametogenesis is the process of forming gametes (by definition haploid, n) from diploid cells of the germ line. Spermatogenesis is the process of forming sperm cells by meiosis (in animals, by mitosis in plants) in specialized organs known as gonads (in males these are termed testes).</span>