There is an irruption
Lava gets cooled with water (lake)
It turns to magma
Mendel discovered certain principles that governs heredity or inheritance when he conducted experiments. In his experiments, he discovered that an organism receives two copies of a gene called allele, from each parent.
He discovered that one allele of a gene has the ability to mask or suppress the expression of its allele variant in the same gene. He called the allele that masks or is expressed, DOMINANT allele, while the allele that is masked, RECESSIVE allele. Based on this observation, he named his first principle, LAW OF DOMINANCE.
In this case, he crossed a purebreeding round-seeded pea plant and a purebreeding wrinkled-seeded pea plant, he noticed that in the F1 generation, all the offsprings possessed round seeds. This led to the conclusion that the allele for round seeds masks the phenotypic expression of the wrinkled allele in a heterozygous state. Hence, the allele for round seeds is dominant while the allele for Wrinkled seeds is recessive.
there are three main factors light. intensity carbon dioxide concentration and also temperature these factors are called limiting factors light is essential for photosynthesis as it. provides the energy to split the water and therefore enable carbon dioxide and water to react no light. no photosynthesis increasing.
Hope This Helps! Have A Nice Day!!
<span>Plantele fac alimente prin fotosinteză. Este amestecul de dioxid de carbon și apă care reacționează la lumină și clorofilă pentru a produce glucoză și oxigen. Glucoza poate fi transformată în amidon, grăsimi și uleiuri din motive de depozitare. Se intenționează să se creeze celuloză pentru pereții celulari și diverse contraens pentru reparații.</span>