Is there and multiple choice options?
Protons are positive while nuetrons are negetive.
Expland nation:
STEP ONE: Harvesting Radiant Energy
The first step of photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. Light photons are absorbed by a pigment called chlorophyll, which is abundant in the thylakoid membrane of each chloroplast. Chlorophyll appears green to the eye because it does not absorb green waves on the light spectrum. It reflects them instead, so that’s the color you see.
STAGE 2: Converting Radiant Energy
After radiant energy from sunlight is absorbed, the plant converts light energy into a usable form of chemical energy to fuel the plant’s cells
STAGE 3: Storing Radiant Energy
The last stage of the photosynthesis process is known as the Calvin-Benson cycle, in which the plant uses atmospheric carbon dioxide and water from soil to convert ATP and NADPH. The chemical reactions that make up the Calvin-Benson cycle occur in the stroma of the chloroplast.
Naegleria fowleri is the causative pathogen in the rare and fatal form of meningitis called <u>primary amoebic meningoencephalitis</u><u> </u><u>(</u><u> </u><u>PAM </u><u>)</u>

extended period of 3mos. or more
chronic diseases such as diabetes, means u will have this disease 4 the rest of your life. whereas, acute, means temporary, corrected by antibiotic meds.