The peace which existed between nationalities within the Roman Empire.
For a time some Germanic peoples were allowed to live peacefully within the Roman Empire. Many of them fought in the Roman army, and some became military leaders. Then, during the late A.D. 300s and the A.D. 400s, the Germanic tribes began entering Roman territory in large numbers. Their own lands were being taken over by a people from central Asia called the Huns.
By attacking the Germanic tribes, the Huns caused one of the largest migrations of people in world history. The migration of the Germanic peoples into the Western Roman Empire was more than just a movement of people, however. Some historians have called it "the migration of nations." Others consider it a time of invasion.
Linen, spices and silk came to Rome from East Asia. The Romans were very dependent on imports to sustain the empire. Maintenance of trade routes was paramount for the Romans.
Explanation: f'n commies (people were scared of the big red and the main reason we had a cold war with the ussr)
Artuffe<span> ends just like a good old-fashioned comedy should: happily. The villain is carted off to jail