Ejemplos de las fuentes primarias
Un libro que sería fuente primaria es por ejemplo un censo electoral, o el manuscrito original de “El Príncipe” de Maquiavelo, mientras que una fuente secundaria seria un libro que analice los datos del censo o un análisis del libro de Maquiavelo.
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
The options of the question are, A) Reconstruction resulted in positive changes in all aspects of Southern black’s lifes, including politics, education, and escaping poverty. B) Reconstruction did not affect blacks directly because it was aimed at reconstructing state governments were blacks had no vote. C) Reconstruction afforded Blacks freedom and voting rights but also created an interracial struggle that often erupted in violence against blacks. D) Reconstruction affected blacks by reversing their access to education and political equality and restricting access to economic benefits. E) Reconstruction affected blacks in creating an atmosphere in which Southerners felt that blacks would outpace them in education and economics.
The correct answer is C) Reconstruction afforded Blacks freedom and voting rights but also created an interracial struggle that often erupted in violence against blacks.
<em>The sentence that best describes how reconstruction affected Southern Blacks is “Reconstruction afforded Blacks freedom and voting rights but also created an interracial struggle that often erupted in violence against blacks.”
The opportunity to get an education was one of the most important aspects that Reconstruction gave the African Americans, as well as the right to vote. But the problem was that the differences the Union and the Confederated states had in the War were translated to politics. So, yes, Reconstruction afforded Blacks freedom and voting rights but also created an interracial struggle that often erupted in violence againts blacks. During the Reconstruction, the hostility against the African Americans was constant.
The state government of Louisiana refused to allow volunteers into new Orleans to helf
It reached to the extend that changes in the American society affects the world in the global scale one example is the LGBT movement. Also one example of US society being integrated into the world is Hollywood where american actors and actresses are idolized all over the world in their movies. Also integrating US economy made the USA a diversified nation of races and people.