Yes. But only on the land that wasn't pre-occupied by the native.
The vast majority of the land in North America at the time was inhabited. Coming to this territory to form farms and towns would not bother any particularly group of people.
The creation for farms and towns itself wasn't immoral.
But, doing so while taking the ancestral land of the locals and forced them to moved away or kill them is considered as 'immoral'. There were plenty of space that hey can occupied without doing so.
Answer: A is correct, I believe.
The Allied strategy for winning World War II was they planned to retake North Africa to invade through Italy, invade France from Britain and Germany from the Soviet Union, and then combine forces to defeat Japan.
Founding fathers were believed to be isolationists and decided to concentrate in the development of the homeland.
At the time of America's founding, it was considered to be a weak nation and it was considered itself to be sensitive and vulnerable to encounter itself against the dominating powers of the world. Initially, America focused on developing its own land by building up military might and the ability to defend itself from other countries. Specially it worked upon negating the influence of European countries on America.
Hence America always practiced isolationism and neutrality when it came to wars against Europeans. But America had its own positive points and that is to maintain good industrial relations with other countries.
Wide gaps between rich and poor is the answer.
With the surrender of both Germany and Japan in 1945, military contracts were terminated and soldiers returned home to compete with civilians for work. As government spending depleted, the economy fell into a deep recession and GDP shrank by a whopping 11 percent.
The private sector was booming when the government stopped buying ammunition and hiring soldiers. The factory that used to make bombs made toasters, and toaster sales surged. On paper, measured GDP declined after the war. In 1947 it was 13% lower than in 1944.
Gross National Product (GNP), which measures all goods and services produced, surged from just $ 200 billion in 1940 to $ 300 billion in 1950. By 1960, with over $ 500 billion, the United States was the wealthiest and wealthiest country. The nation has established the most powerful nation in the world
Learn about world war 2