A desert forms when rainfall decreases in a dry climate
High tides are most represented by blue and purple.
species that lives st the high elevations.
- As the most severe impact of the global warming and the climate changes take place the species that have adapted to living in the mountainous habitats and those living near the coastal low lands will be most affected as the variation in the means temperatures will lead to destruction of there habitats and thus needs to be concerned about form s conservation standpoint.
b. measuring the pulsations of the Sun from stations around the world.
The Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) is a community-based program that wants to conduct a detailed study of the internal structure of the sun by using helioseismology. GONG relies on a team of six observatories around the world to perform its work. One of the duties of GONG is to measure the pulsations of the Sun from six stations located all over the world.
latitude is an angle which range from zero degree to 90 degree ( south- north)
longitude is a geographical coordinates which specifies east- west position on earth surface