Answer: Classical heroes were men who were braver and stronger than most other men and achieved great deeds. A modern hero is defined as, a person (because girls can be heroes too), of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities.
A hyperbole is an extreme literary exaggeration. Such as, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!" Obviously one person could not eat a horse, but instead uses a hyperbole to express his/her hunger.
While a brand stands on its own, marketing seeks to push it forward, emphasizing the products and services available in a way that encourages potential customers to make a move. The brand is the message, but the marketing is how you communicate the message.
Definition<span> of </span>root<span> for Students. 1 : the leafless underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, stores food, and holds the plant in place. ... 7 : a word or part of a word from which other words are obtained by adding a prefix or suffix <The word “hold” is the </span>root<span> of “holder.”>
Have a superb day!</span>