To see if a famous individual is alive or dead you can follow the 'dead or alive link' at This link has information about famous people who are alive and those that are dead. It also have information on the locations where the dead famous people are buried.
There are other websites too that give this kind of information to the public and their links can also be obtained at the dead or alive website.
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Proctor tells Mary not to go back to court because he is appalled at the type of evidence that was used to convict Osburn. He is also shocked that the court would not realize that Osburn was just old and a bit crazy.
This means that Lord Vishnu took birth on Earth in the form of a human named Rama. Due to the great things Ram did, he came to be known as Lord Rama.
<em>if</em> <em>any confusion ask in comment</em>
Energetically for hopelessly.
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