Keratinized skin cells are found in the hair primarily but also on the palmar skin of the hands.
a) Begin with least invasive parts of the examination first.
The sequence for examining a child should vary with the child's age,
development, and overall comfort level. In general, perform less‐
invasive maneuvers first and delay potentially distressing maneuvers
until later in the examination.
A healthcare provider should develop a good communication with his or her parents.
A healthcare provider is described as a doctor of medicine , dentist, nurse , clinical psychologist who provide treatment to his or her patient so that they get relief from the pain or the disease they are suffering from. A healthcare provider performs various roles that is they improve the health, eradicate diseases, provide healthcare services.
The healthcare system can be divided into four parts they are promoting health, preventing the disease, diagnosing and then providing treatment after that proper rehabilitation.
Phlebitis Definition. Phlebitis (fle-BYE-tis) is a condition in which a vein becomes inflamed (phleb=vein + it is=inflammation). The inflammation may cause pain and swelling. When the inflammation is caused by a blood clot or thrombus, it is called thrombophlebitis.