C. Wearing SPF 30 or greater suncreen on all parts of her body exposed to sun.
Whether it is cloudy or not you should always wear suncreen because it protects you from the rays of sun. Although you don't feel any different when it is a nice day and the sun isn't buning you, the sun is still affecting you with it's rays. Sunscreen protects you from teh rays. Drinking water is always important, you should always stay hydrated or body shuts down. Wearing light long pants and shirts is always good too, a color that is brighter is better, dark colors attrack the sun.
Hi Ace22704,
Answer - natural observation
I think this experimental method is a better option because its in a natural environment where the kids dont know whats happening unlike the suveys where you ask them questions which is probably a bad idea because they might feel scared and just change their minds.
Stress occurs when the body physically sustains grave injury due to environmental factors.
Recognition memory seeing something triggers related memories in your brain causing you to remember old memories you may have forgotten
This is a false statement. There is a big difference between feeling the burn and feeling pain, if you are feeling pain it could mean that you have pulled a muscle and you should stop and consult your doctor, also if you are feeling back pain that means you maybe pinched a nerve or slipped the disc. Lastly, other signs pain you should look for is ankle pain and feeling lightheaded because ankle pain could indicate a sprain and lightheaded can indicate that you are either overworked yourself or you are not getting enough water consumption.