They were made of sun-dried mud bricks in ancient Sumeria.
The Chinese government in order to curb the ever-growing population of china come up with a policy called the one-child policy in 1980.
The government viwed population to be growing rapidly and rapid growth would cause problems like unemployment, lack of resources, and hence, increase in criminal activities. The policy benefitted China and its population growth declined significantly over the years.
However, after 3 decades of the one-child policy, china saw a starking gender gap in its consensus. With only one child allowed people preferred male children over female. This caused an imbalance in the gender ratio. Moreover, the Chinese population started to age. The average from 28years to 39.6 years in three decades. With the increase in the numbers of old people, people in the working force started to decline.
Hence, recently in 2015 china repealed the one-child policy from all over its country. Although they allowed having two children now. "To improve the balanced development of population" – an apparent reference to the country's female-to-male sex.
social traditions like untouchability,dowry system,etc create social violence in the society as well as create a discrimination to the lower caste which is a problem to the whole society.So,social traditions are associated with social problems
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A worker decides to quit one job to seek a different job
Frictional unemployment is another type of unemployment within an economy. It is the time period between jobs when a worker is searching for or transitioning from one job to another. Frictional unemployment is always present to some degree in an economy. It occurs when there is a mismatch between the workers and jobs.