The answer is False. Majority of the countries that produces large quantities of crude oil are found from the Persian Gulf and are in the Middle East. These crude oil producing countries are Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Aradia and United Arab of Emirates.
menyebabkan tumpahan minyak, hidupan laut terjejas, dan lain-lain
Social artifact is a of that culture
In any particular culture, an idea or way of doing things that is common to the culture is called a cultural norm.
the primary effects of a tropical storm is the woods and other small things on the ground.
the secodary effects of the tropical storm in the photo is the boat or the ship.
Primary effects of a tropical storm are usually anything that is blown by the wind in other places.
secondary effects of a tropical storm are the hazardous things that are "destroyed" by the storm or even the lack of sanitation in a place.