B it measures cardiovascular and respiratory fitness
No, I do not think you have to like someone to respect them. I respect my mom because she provides for me and is a great role model. Respect is extremely important in our lives. This is because without respect the world wouldn't work. No one would think that they would have to follow orders or do nice things for others. I consider myself to be a respectable person because I try to be my best and to be a good role model for those my age and younger. I show respect to others by listening to them and not talking down on them. I think respect affects the community, and our world, by making it work. Like I said before, without respect the world would not be the place it is now.
I hope this works.
abduction - ab-DUCK-shon
antagonistic pairs - an-TAG-an-iss-tic pay-rs
circumduction - sir-come-DUCK-shon
dorsiflexion - dawr-SI-FLECK-shon
eversion - ih-VER-jon
insertion - in-SER-shon
fascia - FASH-ee-uh
fasc-itis - FASH-ee-ahy-tis
fibromyalgia - fahy-broh-mahy-AL-juh
inversion - in-VER-shon
myocardium - my-oh-CAR-dahy-um
pronation - pro-NAY-shun
supination - soup-ih-NAY-shun
tendinitis - ten-din-AY-tuss
visceral muscle - VISS-er-uhl MUSS-uh
The correct answer is synergism.
In synergism, two or more substances interact with each other and produce a greater combined effect than the sum of the effect produced by them separately. So in synergism two chemicals enhance their overall effect when works together. For example, when a cancer patient is given chemotherapy and radiation together it shows better results than when these two therapy are used separately.
So, in this case, X and Y chemicals individually have a limited effect on fish but when used together their combined effect becomes greater which becomes toxic to the fishes that show that it is an example of synergism.