Quota rent
When voluntary export restraints (VER) are set up and / or import quotas are enforced, the extra profit that domestic producers make because the supply is artificially limited is called quota rent. Quota rents are a type of economic inefficiency since they produce more losses than benefits. Society as a whole generally losses while a group of favored companies make huge profits.
For example, sugar imports are limited in the US, so domestic sugar producers are able to sell sugar at much higher prices than regular international prices. That artificial extra profit earned by sugar companies in the US can be classified as quota rent.
Principle of subsitution states that no consumer should buy a product for a high price of he can get an alternative (duplicate) that is of a cheaper price.
Substitutes are alternatives that provide similar satisfaction to the customer.
When the price of one product goes up the customer has a choice of going for an alternative.
For example honey and sugar are substitutes. When the price of one goes down people will go for the cheaper alternative. This acts as a price control mechanism.
global marketing strategy refers to a marketing strategy used by a firm or a
company to be able to compete worldwide. This is used to promote or market its
products or services worldwide. This strategy is taken in response to the
different international trading aspects and global market conditions. </span>
D. Generates rents that might go to foreigners.
An import quota is the trade restriction imposed by the government on the quantity of the particular commodity to be imported from another country. It protects domestic producers from foreign competition. Overseas goods are generally very cheap compared to locally produced goods, which can destroy a business from the market and can make foreign companies be the leader of the market, who can control the price and quality of the product. Therefore, it very helpful to the local producer in sustaining and generating profit in the market.
Answer: Option (F)
International trade tends to allow nations to expand their respective markets for commodities, goods and services which otherwise wouldn't have been available. As the outcome of the international trade, market tends to contain the greater competition, thus indirectly tends to have competitive prices, that further brings cheaper commodities home to consumer.
The vital point under this scenario is that within the past decade due to technological transformation the cost of communication has decreased drastically and thus has always impacted International trade.