A. Romanticism--an intellectual and artistic movement focused on nature.
Romanticism focused on nature and emotion instead of the rational thinking that came from the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution. Romanticism believed in the beauty of nature and criticized the damage done by the Industrial Revolution. The poem expresses one who has love for all things both man and animal which shows a respect for natural elements.
Its inability to create lasting mandates.
Yes, inability to create lasting mandates caused the end of the League of Nations because the main purpose of the League of Nations is to impose its orders on the other nations. They don't have the ability to united on a single decision which causes differences in them that leads to failure of League of Nations. Due to this behaviour they can't counter German aggression that leads to World War II.
USA did make many bombing campaigns against North Vietnam, which only alienated the population but could not degrade the fighting force of the Vietcong. ... Support of China /USSR: One of the most crucial reasons for the defeat of the USA was the unflinching support of China and the Soviet Union to the North Vietnam.
The three chif features are:
- The spanish empire was regarded as the most populous nation in the new world with the richest natural resources reserve
- The Government was somehow influenced by the Catholic Churches, and they called their civilizations an "empire of towns"
- The spanish was the first nation to introduce slavery in American continent and they also introduce the use of silver and gold as a medium of trade to China and Philippines
It's still popular today because people general enjoy his music & maybe the genre of music. his lyrics or the story behind the song can having a deep meaning to people.