Answer: Ashbery is considered the most influential poet of his time. Oxford University literary critic John Bayley wrote that Ashbery "sounded, in poetry, the standard tones of the age." Langdon Hammer, chair of the English Department at Yale University, wrote in 2008, "No figure looms so large in American poetry over the past 50 years as John Ashbery" and "No American poet has had a larger, more diverse vocabulary, not Whitman, not Pound." Stephanie Burt, a poet and Harvard professor of English, has compared Ashbery to T. S. Eliot, calling Ashbery "the last figure whom half the English-language poets alive thought a great model, and the other half thought incomprehensible".
B) shipbuilding
C) early discoveries
D) famous explorers
These topics would be helpful when writing about sixteenth-century journeys to the New World. Shipbuilding was a significant element of these journeys, as the countries with better shipbuilding skills were the ones that dominated the oceans. Early discoveries are also significant to discuss, as they often led to increasing the exploration efforts. Finally, the study of famous explorers can help us understand many of the motivations behind exploration. Air travel and satellite technology, however, had not been invented at that point in history.
i dont have time im so sorryyyy i was gonna then i found out i have classs in 3 mins
I don’t think so, I never did paid attention