A tragedy with a theme of "love at first sight."
Learning activity number 1 review the definition of virtue and value as you have learned. Define virtue and value by writing words or concepts related to virtue and value in the box.
You'll find a bunch of foods that'll involve flour, wheat. Normally a dough kind of thing. Like dumplings, noodles, pancakes, steamed buns, etc. If you ain't got flour then you have rice. LOTS of rice. Food has the strong flavors but, they use more famous and round going seasonings such as soy sauce or maybe garlic and ginger. There are a lot of popular flavors.
Now if you're parents are just being strict with you, they probably just want the best for you. But it depends on the situation you're in.
Try being responsible
Listen to them
Don't be rebell ious
Respect them
If you're actually doing these things and you're parents are just a certain way or see things differently? Again it depends on the situation.