The government keeps records so we can know, when we need, about the history of our country and its individuals.
Our government also ensures law enforcement by hiring the right people to represent and keep the law and the structures of our society running.
The government also assures us that we can change governors or keep them by voting if we are satisfied or unsatisfied with them.
The government also has the obligation to provide public services to make our lives and specially the lives of the less fortunate easier with the tax money that we pay with our hard work.
These basic responsibilities enable the government to maintain its continuity and effectiveness through time. The government is required to maintain clear records in order to keep track of all its citizens, as well as their needs and requirements. An example of these would be birth certificates. Law enforcement is also an important duty, as it ensures the safety of the population through the implementation of laws and the use of a police and a judicial system. Elections matter when it comes to the government because these allow people to maintain their sovereignty and express their opinions. Finally, public services are important not only because they contribute to the well-being of the population, but because these are usually the projects that require most of our taxes.
B. They wanted to replace their own culture with the colonizers' culture is not one of the reasons many Pacific Islands still have close ties to their former colonizers'.
Historians have identified the basic characteristics of civilizations. Six of the most important characteristics are: cities, government, religion, social structure, writing and art.