Adult have more stress, they have more responsibility than kids and adolescence. Some example could be they have house to pay, they need to give the children food, and their certainly very tired after couple hours of working. For adolescence, they don't have that much responsability, they go to school, learn, study and prepared their future. Very old person does not really have a high stress level, their children take care of them, is their time to relax. Middle and high schooler have stress with study homework things related. But adult have the most stress since they have a lot more responsibility, so we can conclude stress affect you with your responsibilities and your feelings, an example is being and love and the other person does not feel the same.
the answer to your question is theme
In Women Who Spoke Up, they had to fight as hard as they could to be heard or noticed by the government at the time. Women were always kept silent, they had no say in any activities except for chores at home or with children. When the 20th century came around, the women had enough. They spoke about any subject they wanted, no matter what the outcome was. They displayed their true emotions to the public to let everyone know that Women matter. Different kinds of jobs brought together women who had enough. Being in Slavery, journalism, even a labor activist had came with threatening to the women. They had enough, it was time for them to show women’s true colors.