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I don't think we should becuase our countrydoes not have enough money to afford multiple nuclear reactors and also the chances of a meltdown are highher then you think, also places like chernobyl still have high traces of radiation so if htere is one it could be centuries until its actually safe to be around that area again
The speaker describes the juggler as one who did incredible things, as a man who got tired and one who won the world's weight (last line of the last stanza).
The description reveals that the speaker was among those who applauded the juggler.
From the poem, we discover that juggler was seen as one who performed incredible things. Some of the things the poem stated that he did was the table turning on his toes, the broom balancing on his nose and the plate whirls at the tip of the broom.
We also discover that the juggler got tired as some point and the things he carried began to drop. At the end of the juggler's display, the speaker was among those who applauded him: "For him we batter our hands" (Line 29).
because I got it right on ed.