If this is a essay just say. the Mayas most remarkable achievement was the number system and say how it cjanged the world I did this essay in 6th grade just talk about how the number system was a good achievement
Frame Work
The United States Constitution wasn't a bunch of laws but a declaration of rights for the people, "
A constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization or other type of entity, and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed."
Presumably not well. They would be invading Native American territory.
1896: The idea of striking the Yukon Gold Rush made 100,000 of all different people abandon their homes and embark on an extended life-threatening journey across treacherous icy valleys and rocky terrain.
The Dead Horse Trail: 3,000 horses lay dead on White Pass
Compulsory enlistment into miltary armed forces