is there supposed to be a question?
You add a comma to prepositional phrase when you want to tell more about the adjectives and adverbs.
The simile compares the ugly words to a group of buzzards.
Buzzards are a scavenger bird, preying on things that are dead or near dead. They are not considered good or kind animals. The buzzards sitting in a tree are just waiting to swoop down and devour the meal. The words are similar in that they get into his thoughts and mind, picking at whatever is left. It reminds the reader that Mr. Shiftlet is a damaged soul. He is not who the women think he is.
"I Am Prepared to Die" is the name given to the three-hour speech given by Nelson Mandela on 20 April 1964 from the dock of the defendant at the Rivonia Trial. The speech is so titled because it ends with the words "it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die".