To end World War 1, and to have Germany pay reparations for causing the war.
a. tariffs: to protect domestic industry.
b. anti-fraud laws: to guarantee free choice.
c. environmental protection laws: to safeguard natural resources.
Tariffs are taxes that are placed on imports between states. They are often used as a way to protect domestic industry.
A fraud is a deliberate deception to secure some legal gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Anti-fraud laws are passed to prevent and punish this type of behaviour.
Environmental protection laws are those that are created in order to protect natural ecosystems from human destruction.
* The Eighteenth Amendment.
* Was illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport liquors.
* Women's Christian Temperance Union.
* National Prohibition Party.
* Bargain Days.
* Prohibition was dangerous to society.
* Tainted industrial alcohol.
* Would make you'r own alcohal.
* High emorals.
* Was know lower life social field.
Vote brainliest answer
1. Anxiety
2. Alienation
3. Distrust
4. Social Dominance Orientation
5. Impotence
6. Frustration