<span>The meaning of the quote from the play "whose misadventur'd piteous overthrows" means w</span><span>hose misfortunes set them back. During the entire course of the story, the star crossed lovers are trying to overthrow their misfortunes and their terrible situation. But as the audience well knows, their fate is sealed. </span>
This story is about a boy name Logan struggling with life as a young adult when his family learns he is homosexual. Logan is a child and he is living with his mother. He had no memory of his father. His mother then marries a man named George who is a mechanic.
I watch sports an eat food. I also like to hang with my friends at the park an play ball.
Answer: D. Both A and C
Explanation: When you use someone's idea or quotes without giving proper credit, without acknowledging or citing the original author; that is plagiarism. If you want to evade any accusations of Plagiarism, you must properly give citations of any wordings or ideas that are not your own by putting them in quotations as well as writing the name of the author and date of publication.
Option A cited the author but did not put the statement in quotation which translates that those statements are his own ideas but the reverse the case, resulting to plagiarism
In option B, the author was properly cited and the statements were in quotation and that is not Plagiarism.
Option C neither cited nor put the statement in quotation which also resulted in Plagiarism.
So both A and C are plagiarism.