because he felt pity for farmers in his country
An astrolabe is a primitive angle-measuring tool. It can be used to - very in-exactly! - measure the altitude above the horizon of a celestial body like the Sun, Moon or Polaris in order to calculate your position.
Medieval gunners used the astrolabe to calculate the height of towers and buildings, in order to more accurately aim their cannons.
The name of the communist party leader is Leonid Brezhnev.
These two meet in May of 1972 in what became known as the Moscow Summit. The goal of this meeting was to ease tensions between the US and Soviet Union. This policy, known as detente, lead to the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT). This policy was helpful in significantly reducing the possibility of nuclear warfare during the 1970's.
If I were to settle in a decentralized state, then the power wouldn't be consolidated in a single entity. This means I am less likely to have to pay a "Royal Tax" and if I'm lucky since I can read and write and have a modern education I could become a page in the local nobleman's court or perhaps join a monastery and work there. It would be a simple life but I doubt it would bring any unwanted attention which would be bad since I could be a "Witch" or "Devil" or something and be burned at the stake.