When we convert any decimal number into the hexadecimal number we have to divide that number with 16.
Now according to question the decimal number is 35.
Now to convert this in hexadecimal divide it with 16.
This means the quotient is 2 and the remainder is 3.
Therefore the value of hexadecimal is,
They can help to explain the relationship between the output and input variables.
Hope this Helps!
Okay so what you would is press ctrl+alt+delete and click log out i think but if you have a disk put it in and secure everything trust me i am a computer savage. i hack thing all the time.
Portrait orientation is taller then it is wide, while landscape orientation is wider then it is tall.
the sorting function is used to sort the elements in the array.
the sorting can be increasing or decreasing, depends on the function used.
let discuss the option:
a. sort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in ascending order.
b. arsort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in descending order according to the value.
d. asort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in ascending order according to the value.
c. rsort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in descending order.
Therefore, the correct answer is rsort().