call instruction is used to call a subroutine .Subroutine are often used to perform tasks that need to be performed frequently .The JMP instruction is used to cause the PLC to skip over lugs
Written in Python:
def licenseNum(licenseYear, customID):
output = 100000 * customID + licenseYear
print("Dog license: "+str(output))
This line defines the function with parameters licenseYear and customID
def licenseNum(licenseYear, customID):
This calculates the output as stated in the question
output = 100000 * customID + licenseYear
This displays the output
print("Dog license: "+str(output))
To call the function, make use of: licenseNum(2014, 777)
Where 2014 and 777 can be replaced with other digits as required
D. Network vulnerability database
A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to create, store, modify, retrieve and manage data or informations in a database. Generally, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.
In this scenario, The director of security at an organization has begun reviewing vulnerability scanner results and notices a wide range of vulnerabilities scattered across the company. Most systems appear to have OS patches applied on a consistent basis but there is a large variety of best practices that do not appear to be in place. Thus, to ensure all systems are adhering to common security standards a Network vulnerability database, which typically comprises of security-related software errors, names of software, misconfigurations, impact metrics, and security checklist references should be used.
Basically, the Network vulnerability database collects, maintain and share information about various security-related vulnerabilities on computer systems and software programs.
D. sides
Space cushion includes sides of your vehicle.
I think so that it will be zero or more