The correct answer is Option B.
The full disclosure principle is a concept that requires all necessary details relating to the notes to the financial statements are provided and explained in such a way that would be understandable to the users of the financial statements.
The disclosures are expected to be in compliance with the accounting standards, regulatory pronouncements, among others.
Commuting - Traveling to get to work
Telecommutting - A form of flexplace...
Flextime - Flexibility in when you work
Flexplace - Flexibility in where you work
Answer: A. The island of Atlantis has an increasing opportunity cost of producing potatoes and the production possibility frontier is bowed outward.
When there is an increasing opportunity cost of producing a good, the Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) will be bowed out to represent that as more of the good is being produced, more of another good is being given up to do so.
For the island of Atlantis therefore, as they produce more of potatoes, they are giving up being able to produce whatever more and more of other goods they produce which is therefore leading to a PPF that is bowed outward.
Yes he can use FHA
Because FHA Loans are the most forgiving of foreclosures. To qualify for an FHA mortgage loan, you must wait at least three years after the foreclosure. The three year clock starts ticking from the time that the foreclosure case has ended, usually from the date that you prior home was sold in the foreclosure preceeding. If the foreclosure also involved an FHA loan, the three year waiting periods starts from the date that FHA paid the prior lender on its claim
A test balance is used to detect any calculation error that may have occurred within the accounting system. For this, it is sought to verify if the total debits and the total credits are equal, for this the balance of all accounting books is compiled in column totals of both debit and credit. A company usually prepares a trial balance periodically, usually at the end of each reporting period.
In this case, to carry out the trial balance, you must first clarify the name of the company, the title of the trial balance and the date on which the trial balance is prepared, then proceed to list the ledger accounts and enter the debit and credit balances in the respective columns, then the columns are totalized and finally it is verified that the credit totals are equal to the debit totals
The correct order of the steps is (3), (2), (4) and (1)