The appointed judge does not run against an opponent.
A retention election is a type of election or voting process for the judges in practice. It is also known as judicial retention. It is a process which takes place at regular intervals where a judge in practice is subjected to a referendum whereby the voters are asked to vote whether the judge should continue for a second term or should be removed form the office.
In such processes, the judges loses very rarely because in this election process, the incumbent judge does have any opponent to contest against. It is the will of voters to decide whether a judge will continue the office or not.
The Court ruled that the ban on affirmative action in the Michigan Constitution is Constitutional.
The Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action is a case of affirmation, race and sex discrimination in public university admission.
On the 22nd of April, 2014 the court held that fourteenth Amendment's equal protection Clause does not prevent states from enacting bans on affirmation in education.
According to Justice Scalia, '' Constitution [forbids] government discrimination on the basis of race, and state-provided education is no exception''. Justice Scalia believe that the people in Michigan followed the understanding of the clause as their fundamental law.
Other court associate Justice include; Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Anthony Kennedy and Ruth Badder Ginsburg. The Chief Justice for the case then is John Roberts.
Legislative: Make laws.
Executive: Enforce the laws.
Judicial: Interpret the laws.
Ea told Marduk that if he was victorious he would be the head god forever if Marduk would defeat Tiamat. Ea was a very smart god though he cannot make a deal of his own. Ea provided food, entertainment and a strong date of wine to the rest of the gods and make them agree of his idea.
Appearance is not a reliable predictor of character :) What’s on the outside does not always match what’s on the inside