Because of Trade and Technology
You have no power politically if you have no influence. It's like trying to keep the law without the police. America created the first submarines, iron-clad ships, and had a powerful navy before but they had to take it apart since they ran out of money. They were very powerful in the 20th century and became a world super power because of trade with the Allies in the first world war. Using the money, they improved the military and technology. That is why the USA has so much influence.
<span>1. If my memory serves me well, in the early and mid-1800's, sectionalism was strongest </span><span>in the South, where people felt their economy depended on slavery. After the invention of the cotton there were very high demand for slave labor and slavery become the necessary part of agricultural output in the South.
2. I am definitely sure that, </span>Henry Clay’s American System, which was established in the early 1800's, <span>placed tariffs on foreign imports to build roads and infrastructure. The main goal of Henry Clay's American System was to support the domestic economy of the United States.
3. As far as I remember, </span>South Carolina eventually repealed its Ordinance of Nullification in exchange for <span>the federal elimination of the Tariff of 1828 and a gradual reduction on import taxes over a decade.
4. The best description of the nullification is: </span><span>the idea that a state could refuse to follow a federal law it disagreed with. That means, the state has the right to nullify any federal law if they see it unconstitutional.</span>
treat of God
The Summa is divided into three parts that may be said to treat of God, Man, and Christ (or the God-Man).
No, they would not have been able to legalize recreational marihuana.
This is because, in an unitary system, administrative divisions like Georgia or Colorado have very few powers, and certainly, they do not have any legislative powers.
All legislation emerges from the central government in an unitary system, and this means that if the U.S. was an unitary system, the law to legalize recreational marihuana would have to come, exclusively, from the U.S. Congress.
Unless the U.S. Congress legalized marihuana nationwide, no state would be allowed to do so under an unitary system. it would continue to be prohibited.