By buying a bond, you're giving the issuer a loan, and they agree to pay you back the face value of the loan on a specific date, and to pay you periodic interest opens a layerlayer closed payments along the way, usually twice a year. Unlike stocks, bonds issued by companies give you no ownership rights.
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Magna Carta, English Great Charter, charter of English liberties granted by King John on June 15, 1215, under threat of civil war and reissued, with alterations, in 1216, 1217, and 1225. By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by “free men,” the Magna Carta provided the foundation for individual rights in Anglo-American jurisprudence.
Stenton, Doris Mary. "Magna Carta". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Feb. 2021, Accessed 27 June 2021.
A fricking rock bro dxpalins9jone