Incorrect punctuation between elements
I'm not entirely sure tho
Answer: Mildred spends the majority of her day watching her parlor walls.
Mildred lives a wretched existence in her everyday life by acting obsessed with soap operas that are televised on her wall-sized TV screens. Mildred's unimportant life is entirely absorbed by senseless entertainment, plus she is intrigued by the interactive television shows that enable her to engage in the plot by giving her easy lines to read. She has three walls of her living room engulfed in these screens and provokes Montag to purchase a fourth. The soap operas are interactive. Viewers get scripts and roles to act out along with the actors on the screen. Television has become her foremost means of entertainment. She is fully involved in their false lives and regards them as her family.
B) The fearsome unstoppable dog barked at us viciously needs a comma after fearsome and before unstoppable
Well, It may not seem that the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, which happened over a century ago in New York City, would be relevant today — but actually, it is.
It was a tragedy that opened the nation's eyes to poor working conditions in garment factories and other workplaces, and set in motion a historic era of labor reforms.
It’s something that opens our eyes today and jobs are something that is taken seriously, so this story is living on.
I Hope my reply completely answers your question! Please let me know if you need further explanation.