Ética vem do grego Ethos, que significa caráter, costume, e é sinônimo de moral. Ao se estudar ética, se estuda o grupo de assuntos morais. Ela é um costume, ou grupo de hábitos exercido por um indivíduo em determinada sociedade, dentro da sua liberdade de expressão e ações. Uma lei, por exemplo, se faz baseada em princípios éticos e deve ser obedecida mediante punição caso não seja seguida. Uma ação ética, no entanto, não está presa a nenhum tipo de obrigatoriedade, mas sim ao caráter da pessoa e surgirá naturalmente de suas ações.
Poderíamos simplificar e dizer que uma pessoa ética é aquela que ama e respeita o próximo (perceba que esta é a diretriz da maioria das religiões) e que, ao fazer o bem para a sociedade, ela está sendo ética de boa moral e costumes. Podemos dividir a ética em vários grupos como ética profissional, ética social, ética individual etc.
Se a ética for aplicada de forma adequada por todos os indivíduos de determinada sociedade poderíamos assumir que esta sociedade possui o melhor modo de conviver e se desenvolver de forma saudável e benéfica para todos.
Ingredients and supplies for making cake pops:
- A box cake mix and ingredients to make the cake
- A can of frosting
- Candy melts
- Lollipop sticks
- Cake pop stand
Start by making cake balls that you will apply to sticks later to turn them into pops. Follow the directions for making your box cake mix, making one alteration. Use half the amount of vegetable oil.
Let your cake cool completely and then crumble it into fine crumbs with your hands. You may want to cut off any hard edges of your cake first.
Add a small amount of frosting to your crumbs and mix with your hands. Continue adding frosting until the mixture becomes the consistency of Play-Doh. Take a small amount of mixture and roll the mixture in your hands to create cake balls (<em>you can also use ice-cream scooper for making balls).</em>
Melt your candy melts in the microwave.
Dip a lollipop stick into the melted coating and then into a cake ball. Set the cake pop in your cake pop stand until the chocolate hardensDip each cake pop into the melted coating until it is completely covered. Tap any extra coating off of the cake pop gently.
Set your cake pops aside to let the coating harden or while the coating is still wet decorate your cake pops with sprinkles..
<span>create a network alert and log the
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is
a device that can scan packets and compare them against a set of rules or
attack signatures. If the packets match attack signatures, then the IDS should
alert the network administrator and log the intrusion.
Fundamental Attribution Error
While eating at a café, Janet sees a server's serving tray tilt, and the food and beverages spill onto four people. "What a careless, clumsy idiot," Janet mumbles to herself as she resumes eating. Janet has just committed <u>Fundamental Attribution Error</u>.
Rivers were attractive locations for the first civilizations because they provided a steady supply of drinking water and made the land fertile for growing crops. Moreover, goods and people could be transported easily, and the people in these civilizations could fish and hunt the animals that came to drink water.
I hope this helps!