If the majority of service customers are satisfied, it is likely that all service customers will be satisfied. False
Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during, and after purchase. This makes it an important part of the customer's value chain. Different industries require different levels of customer service [1], but ultimately, the idea of a well-delivered service is to increase revenue. Awareness of a successful customer service interaction depends on employees who are “adaptive to the customer's personality”. [2] Customer service is often practiced in a way that reflects the company's strategy and values. Good customer service is usually valued by customer loyalty. Customer service is part of a company's intangible assets for some companies and can differentiate them from others in their industry. A great customer service experience can change a customer's overall perception of your company. [3]
Good customer service means consistently meeting customer expectations. Good customer service is fast, easy, personal, and caring. Companies that provide excellent customer service take the time to understand the needs of their unique customer base. J.
Learn more about service customers here
It will reduce the amount of dividiends it can pay.
As there is an amount of the retained earnings that is restricted the company cannot use them to pay up neither stock or cash dividends in the future.
The retained earnings are used to pay dividends but also, are part of the equity of the firm thus the RE count to the capital structure of the company . Loans can be obtained with better rates if thecapital structure is more based on equiy than in liabilities thus, the board of directors is planning ahead the future plant exansion avoiding to use cash and deteriorate his capital structure to pay up dividends.
4.88 years
other methods should be used because payback method does not account for the time value of money
a. Anywhere inside or on the production possibilities frontier.
In an economy, the allocative efficiency may be defined as the economic state where the production of various goods or services is aligned with the preferences with the consumers.
The allocative efficiency always materializes at the intersection of the supply curves and the demand curves.
On the
the price for a supply
with the demand for the product
at that price, and thus all the products are sold.
It occurs anywhere on the production possibilities frontier or on the inside of the frontier.
Therefore, the correct option is (a).
perfectly elastic over the relevant range of output.
In a perfect competition there are many firms in the market selling goods that are usually homogeneous in nature. Each individual firm will not be able to influence the price for which it offers goods and services to the customer.
The firm's are price takers and there is no barrier to entry.
This results in a situation where for all levels of quantity demanded there is no change in price, and demand curve is a horizontal line.