Rhetorical questions, Emotive language and calls to action :)
Shortly thereafter, Mama and Abuelita have a happy, tearful reunion. ... Abuelita tells Esperanza the story of how Miguel was able to sneak her away from Tío Luis
Hey There!!
I think the answer to this is: The 3 one is. A Relative. The 4 one is. A noun. And, The last one is. adverbial.
The rough, rugged and haunted Dallas fascinates Pony. Even before Pony becomes an ace storyteller, Dallas acts as his muse, or inspiration. Pony says,
I used to like to draw his picture when he was in a dangerous mood, for then, I could get his personality down in a few lines. (1.46)
Notice the "used to." This is some subtle foreshadowing. Pony no longer sketches Dally because Dally's already dead when Pony's writing. His death is one of his reasons Pony's writing this piece in the first place
Answer:A Computer Definition
Explanation: A code of conduct that defines what warriors can and cannot do if they wish to continue to be regarded as warriors rather than murders or cowards