One could be the rise of towns and the crusades. The Crusades was a campaign to reclaim the
Holy from Muslim rule. Despite the
number of campaigns launched. The Holy
remained under Muslim control and this weakened the feudal system as the
nobility spent most of their wealth on these campaigns. This led to the growth of towns where merchants
grew rich and became a force in society which led to the rise of the
Renaissance where interest was centered on the classics.
In July 1954, the Geneva Agreements were signed. As part of the agreement, the French agreed to withdraw their troops from northern Vietnam. Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the 17th parallel, pending elections within two years to choose a president and reunite the country.
You haven’t told us the statements..
Well, agriculture is seen as the cause of inequality between sexes because most of the workforce in this sector is dominated by Men.
But as the technology developed, agriculture sector became physically easier and women can handle this too, . . .
hope this helps
I will try to help but I can't pull down the boxes on your question. Populism and and railroads have historically been depicted as mortal enemies. The Populism tried to control the railroads. Throughout the decade, party political platforms in the state mirrored the frustrations felt by the High Plains farmer and businessman toward the rail corporations. Populists demanded the government become the exclusive owner and operator of the railroads. Their major complaint concerned freight rates. Kansas Populists claimed the rail rates farmers and shippers had to pay remained excessively high. The railroads countered by saying anything less would be unprofitable.